duminică, 13 noiembrie 2011


Asociaţia victimelor accidentelor de circulaţie din municipiul Bucureşti şi judeţul Ilfov (AVAC MB&JI), aduce la cunoştinţa celor interesaţi că prin Încheierea nr. 22196/303/2011 din 26.10.2011, devine CENTRUL DE CONSULTANŢĂ PENTRU VICTIMELE RUTIERE (CCVR). Informaţii de contact: Lt. col. Jand.r. Ion MIHAIL Preşedinte Telefon: 0722.63.98.36 E-mail: victimerutiere@gmail.com victimerutiere@yahoo.com Website: http://victimeaccidenterutiere.wordpress.com/ The Association of Road Traffic Victims from Bucharest and Ilfov County (AVAC MB&JI), informs the concerned parties that through the Decision no. 22196/303/2011 dated October 26, 2011, it becomes the CENTRE OF CONSULTANCY FOR THE ROAD VICTIMS (CCVR). Contact person: Lt. col. Jand.r. Ion MIHAIL President Phone: +40.722.63.98.36 E-mail: victimerutiere@gmail.com victimerutiere@yahoo.com Website: http://victimeaccidenterutiere.wordpress.com/

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